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About Our Faculty

The Faculty of Social Sciences of ChAT offers Bachelor and Master studies in the field of Education with various specializations. Some specializations are organized so as to answer to the needs of people active in the labor market. The Faculty also offers Bachelor studies in the field and Administration and Master studies in the field of Pre-school and Early Education. It also offers non-degree postgraduate programmes in education-related fields.

The Doctoral School of ChAT prepares its students to write a PhD thesis and obtain a PhD degree in the field of Education. The School programme lasts 4 years. The recruitment takes place every year.

We are versatile

The area of scientific interest of the Faculty employees is wide and interdisciplinary. Our staff members cooperate with research teams, institutes, universities in the country and abroad, inter alia with institutions from Czech Republic, Slovakia, Israel and Germany and lately also with The Netherlands.

The Faculty of Social Sciences of ChAT has been developing scientific and didactic cooperation with foreign institutions within programs like Erasmus + or DAAD, and bilateral agreements. It has been cooperating with social environment inter alia with Museum of the History of Polish Jews POLIN, Children’s University of Interesting History, Yellowhouse Foundation and Bilingual Children, Ale Nauczanie Foundation, Akces Edukacja as well as with numerous kindergartens, schools of all levels, institutions of resocialization and therapeutical profile and cultural institutions from Warsaw and beyond the capital city. 

We are quality

Since its beginning, the Faculty of Social Sciences pays attention to the quality of the programs of the studies it offers. They are modern and fully adjusted to the labor market in the fields of pedagogy, early education, social rehabilitation and intercultural  education, school pedagogy, vocational counseling and administration. In 2020, the Faculty achieved again a positive assessment of the Polish Accreditation Committee. It also holds a “B+” scientific category, allowing to educate teachers and to give academic degrees of PhD and Habilitation.

We care

Students who need psychological consultations and individual solutions to aid their learning can use the aid of Academic Psychological Counseling Centre and the Office for Persons with Disabilities.
The Faculty of Social Sciences of ChAT in Warsaw is a place for open-minded people, caring about a high didactic and scientific level of conducted classes.

We are open-minded

The Faculty of Social Sciences is open and supportive to students’ initiatives. It organizes elective courses for students inter alia concerning bibliotherapy, inclusive, intercultural, and anti-discriminatory education. We are also open to cooperation with the external environment – guests are invited, internships are organized and get help in choosing the internships in verified educational and social aid institutions.

We are progressive

Extraordinary Certificate “Laur Innowacji” (“Laurel of Innovation”)

For the Master program of Education at our Faculty in 2020 for introducing the most innovative and unique solutions concerning infrastructure and technologies which support the didactic process. Bachelor studies in Education were honored in 2018 and 2019

Extraordinary Certificate “Lider Jakości Kształcenia” (“Education Quality Leader”)

For the Master studies in Education in 2020

Certificate and Quality Mark “Uczelnia Liderow” (“Leaders’ Academy”)

In the 11th edition of the Leaders’ Academy programme, granted by Fundacja Rozwoju Edukacji i Szkolnictwa Wyższego and PRC Agency

Certificate and Quality Mark “Studia z Przyszłością” (“Studies with Future”)

For the Education major at our Faculty (both Bachelor and Master programs) – obtained in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2022