Przejdź do treści

Research and development activity

Research conducted in the Faculty of Social Sciences of ChAT concern preschool education, school pedagogy, history of education, psychological foundations of pedagogy, comparative pedagogy, rehabilitation pedagogy, andragogy, pedagogy of culture, international education, social work, diaconia, pedagogy of religion and education law. The Faculty also promotes the results of research studies and the scientific discourse. The Faculty, together with international centers, has organized international conferences such as ‘EdukacjaAlternatywna” (“Alternative Education”, 2014), Emphasis on Early Childhood Education (2014), JanuszKorczak – Eine Inspiration Fur Pädagogen (JanuszKorczak – an inspiration for pedagogists, 2015) and ‘Nauczycieljakoprzewodnik po współczesnymświecie’, ‘Innowacje w procesiekształceniaidoskonaleniazawodowegonauczycieli’ (2016). Employees of the Faculty cooperate with their partners from other universities from Bonn, Freiburg, Nürnberg, Prague, Pardobice and Jerusalem. There is a nationwide journal titled ‘Studies on the Theory of Education’ published by the Faculty with the patronage of the Committee of Pedagogical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and indexed in ERIH PLUS. The author gets 100 points for their publication in this journal. 

The aim of the conducted projects is to integrate the scientific strategies, characteristic for basic research studies with application references. The characteristic feature of the projects realized by the Faculty of Social Sciences is their interdisciplinary character allowing to consider the achievements of modern philosophy, history, religious studies, literary studies, science of education including methodological patterns elaborated on their basis in pedagogical research studies. Projects of pedagogy of religion are pioneer in their character because of the undertaken issues. All subjects are strictly within the statutory profile of ChAT and reflect the decisions included in the university mission and strategies of its development. Scientific subjects  are verified with a transparent procedure and verification guaranteeing their high quality. They inscribe within the mainstream of pedagogical and social research studies conducted by the leader scientific centers. Whereas the inter-religious and multicultural character of the Academy such projects are original and cognitive innovation in character. The increase of competences and scientific specializations of scientific staff of the Faculty of Social Sciences of ChAT are confirmed and are impacting the level of realized didactics.

Prof. Tadeusz J. Zieliński (Head of the Commission)
Rev. Prof. Bogusław Milerski
Prof. Renata Nowakowska-Siuta
Prof. Jerzy Ostapczuk

Bishop Prof. Marcin Hintz (Head of the Commission)

Prof. Tadeusz J. Zieliński,
Prof. Włodzimierz Wołosiuk,
Prof. Stefan T. Kwiatkowski