Dean of the Faculty
ks. prof. Bogusław Milerski
tel. 506 002 321
e-mail: wns(at)
On-site meetings possible on Tuesdays, 13:00-14:00 (I floor, room no. 112)
Vice-Dean of the Faculty
Izabela Kochan, PhD
tel. 506 002 321
e-mail: wns(at)
On-site meetings possible on Tuesdays, 12:30-13:30 (I floor, room no. 113A)
Vice-Dean’s responsibilities
A Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of ChAT is the Vice-Dean’s immediate supervisor.
The Vice-Dean is responsible for:
- Supervising activities concerning the popularization and dissemination of research.
- The Faculty`s marketing.
- Supervision of the admission process.
- Supervision of the students` internships and traineeships.
- Supervision of the students` scientific clubs.
- Supervision of the students` self-government.
- Supervision of the organization of scientific conferences of the Faculty.
- Supervision of the postgraduate non-degree studies.
- Preparing the Faculty to accreditation (in a strict cooperation with the Dean).
- Initiating and organizing scientific groups – research projects, scientific meetings of the Faculty.
- Organizing the ceremony of inauguration of the academic year and other events connected with the activity of the Faculty.
- Replacing the Dean in case of their longer absence.
A Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of ChAT is eligible to make substantial decisions concerning:
- Responsibilities mentioned above
- Realization of duties resulting from their function
- Tasks entrusted by supervisors, connected with the Deputy Dean’s function.