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Visit of guests from the Netherlands to the Faculty of Social Sciences at ChAT

On 6-7 June 2023, we hosted a group of social work students from the Christelijke Hogeschool Ede in the Netherlands/Holland for the second time at the Faculty of Social Sciences at ChAT. The group of 16 students, together with two lecturers Annemiek Stam-Hoogstrate and Lambert Psterkamp, visited the Christian Academy of Theology in Warsaw and several institutions involved in outreach activities directed at different social groups. The students visited the La Strada Foundation (working against human trafficking and modern forms of slavery), the Christian Therapeutic Centre for Homeless and Addicted People ‘New Beginning’, the House of Cultures in Warsaw’s Praga district (a place of meeting, support and development for people from different nations, where the students were able to take an active part in the Aid Bazaar – Fair Care) and the Warsaw headquarters of the Salvation Army.

On Tuesday afternoon, the Dutch students met their Polish colleagues at the Academy’s headquarters, where they presented the models used in the Netherlands for working with people in need of support in various aspects of life, and then discussed together the challenges of working among children and young people. The organisation of the visit of the guests from the Netherlands was supervised by Dr Joanna Kluczyńska, Dr Anna Walczak and Ms Elżbieta Byrtek, MA.