Student Scientific Clubs
There are four organizations bringing together students at the Faculty of Social Sciences of ChAT, which aim is the scientific and self-learning activity of their members:
– Scientific Club of Pedagogy,
– Scientific Club of Rehabilitation,
– Scientific Club of Social Work,
– Scientific Club of Multiculturalism.
The activities of the Students` Scientific Clubs are based on the implementation of projects created as a result of responding to the expectations of students. In 2014, these were, among others, Polish-Israeli workshops in the field of dialog and intercultural education, intercultural education workshops “Among others” conducted by educators from the Foundation for the Development of the Education System and Polish-German Youth Cooperation, conferences “The Art of helping”. In 2015, the Multiculturalism Scientific Club organized a meeting with lecturers and students of Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaft – Universität Salzburg.
We invite students to take a creative approach to new challenges, openness to experiences in the atmosphere of cooperation.